Let’s keep the momentum going!
Serving you for the past 3.5 years has been the honor of my life. To see that 67% victory number in the last election was a fantastic feeling! I am on the ballot for my third City Council term in the May 3, 2025 election. We’ve achieved a lot, but there is more to do – and I’m ready to keep this momentum going!
Getting neighborhood needs taken care of and bringing home big projects by building strong relationships with Council colleagues and City staff are what I like to do.
Here are the most recent results for District 13 residents:
Passage of the 2024-2025 budget. Our neighborhoods made one point very clear. They said we must fight for lower tax rates, especially during a period of escalating home values. This time, it happened, and the budget passed with the lowest tax rate in 40 years.
Selection of a new city manager, Kimberly Bizor Tolbert, who not only opened lines of communication with councilmembers, she also streamlined departments and increased efficiencies to produce a balanced budget.
$12 million for the renovation of Preston Royal Library
$33 million for street/alley reconstruction
$16 million for a new Park Forest Library
$4.2 million for 8 acres of new park land along the Northaven Trail
$5.3 million in stormwater projects
$3.5 million for a spray ground at Fair Oaks Park in Vickery Meadow
New Goals
It’s been said that, to maintain momentum, you must establish new goals. There is more work to do including:
Hiring more police officers to not only protect residents but reduce 911 response times.
Timely implementation of approved bond projects like Drexelwood Drive resurfacing, Preston Royal Library renovation planning and design of the Fair Oaks Park Sprayground in Year One.
The addition of temporary housing for unsheltered residents so we can stop using streets and underpasses as waiting rooms.
Continued examination of spending cuts within the budget, streamlining departments and running city government efficiently and effectively.
Even in a bustling city like Dallas, residents want peace-of-mind when it comes to their everyday life. After all, at the end of the day, we return to the core of our lives: our family, our homes, and our neighborhoods—and it should be safe and clean, and our City a place to be proud of. That’s why I start with…
Neighborhoods First!
Protect Our Neighborhoods
In 2024, D13 crime dropped by over 18% across all categories! Feeling safe in your home and in your neighborhood is the cornerstone of our quality of life. I’m proud to serve on the Public Safety Committee where I regularly scrutinize the City’s crime statistics with DPD leadership -- I track D13’s crime stats weekly. This committee is where the “first look” at new crime reduction plans are presented and strategies for officer recruitment and retention are reviewed. I supported raising Officer recruitment total from 250 to 325 in February 2025.
During the 2022-23 budgeting process, I voted to fully fund the Dallas Police Department and Dallas Fire Rescue’s requests. In addition, I sponsored an amendment to accelerate critical Level 1 maintenance at every fire station that qualified, as well as fund a new fire engine (these run about $1 million).
District 13 includes three of our city’s seven patrols, so I work with the DPD rank and file constantly. Whether it’s gathering neighbors with their NPO (neighborhood police officer) to drill down into crime stats specific to their neighborhood, or bringing together special investigative units with neighbors experiencing an acute, troubling incident—I know how important it is to take action to restore peace-of-mind.
In my first two terms in office, I’ve attended DPD and DFR graduations, and sadly some candlelight vigils. The service of those who put on a uniform to keep us safe every day is not lost on me, and I have demonstrated this support tangibly. with increased pay and benefits, scheduling that allows better work/life balance and by exposing the need for better performance and the Police and Fire Pension Fund.
Short-Term Rentals
I am a believer in property rights, but let me be clear I am against short-term rentals in neighborhoods with Single Family homes. I have experienced numerous complaints around STRs in District 13. The complaints range from noise, drugs, prostitution, assault (on a neighbor), litter, excessive parking and trespassing–using up law enforcement, code compliance and D13 staff time that could be better used on other neighborhood concerns. Out-of-town investor ownership can make it very hard to track down someone to resolve renter issues. STRs create a constant stream of cars and uncertainty of strangers coming and going–some neighbors liken it to living next door to a ticking time bomb. I have listened to the arguments on both sides–some exceptions would be if a neighborhood wants to create an overlay to permit STRS in their area or if an onsite homeowner would like to rent a room of their home for 30-days plus.
Fix Streets, Alleys, and Sidewalks
In the last two years District 13 has had millions of dollars invested in new road and alley construction, as well as in proactive maintenance. In my first budget session, I lead the charge to have Public Works funds earmarked for dilapidated alleys across the city in direct response to what I heard from neighbors complaints.
From the get-go, getting D13 crosswalks repainted was a near-term goal. 168 have been refreshed, with 94 of those around schools, with more on the way.
Though construction slowed due to the impact of COVID-19 on materials and labor, I have worked to keep D13s street and alley projects moving to completion. Our district has some of the most lane miles, and lower-rated street quality than others, so fighting for the funds needed to catch up on maintenance and reconstruction is critical, and I have experience with this. With the 2024 Bond Program looming, it’s even more important to secure funds for these vital arteries to our everyday living.
SMART traffic lights are being installed, agile timing to move traffic more expediently during rush hour and to help clear the way for emergency vehicles.
Grow the Tax Base, Don’t Raise Taxes
I’ve voted in favor of new housing and retail developments all over the city to grow the tax base and generate revenue to help fund the City’s basic needs: Downtown projects like Goldman Sachs and NewPark will bring excellent paying jobs and maximize the returns on prime downtown real estate. Using ARPA dollars to preserve housing while also preserving the cultural significance of The Bottoms and Tenth Street in Southern Dallas aligns with our Economic Development Policy. And keeping future land use in all of our sights will help drive tax revenue to city coffers. Even in Dallas’ prosperity, we have so many areas that haven’t reached their potential—like Preston Center, Hensley Field, and Vickery Meadow—where the City must balance redevelopment and greater density with commitment to stabilizing housing for current residents.
In the last four years, Dallas has seen $14B in new development and construction. I have taken leads on crafting the stand-up of a new Economic Development Corporation and smart economic development incentives to beat our formidable out-of-market competition while locking in benefits like jobs guaranteed for Dallas residents.
For the three and half years I’ve been on Council, voted YES to lowering taxes. With property values soaring, even a lower tax rate feels like an increase—that’s why I pushed on to make them even lower! This year the tax rate was lowered more than the last 40 years!
While strides have been made in closing the timing gap on Dallas’ permitting process, that misstep cannot happen again. The technology needed–hardware, software and process-has been identified and implementation will be complete in June 2025.
Smart Development Includes Neighborhood Input
Smart development that looks beyond property boundaries to know the impact of a project on those who live around it, and factors in the needs of our city with regard to landscape, mobility and our overall environment is development I can support. Neighbors want to be heard, and should be heard—with timely notifications of when and where they can share their perspective. I have convened numerous community meetings, large and small, where neighbors can ask questions and be a part of crafting plans—whether on housing, crime, coyotes, or play equipment at parks—you have a voice.
Create better
‘Liveability’ in Dallas. Arts, Parks, Libraries, and Recreation!
Liveable cities support the quality of life of its’ citizens. I am dedicated to improving and expanding our parks and urban spaces, transportation networks including DART rail and buses, but also bike and walking trails, and equitable access to recreational, cultural, and community facilities. As a Friends of the Dallas Public Library Board member, I saw first-hand the critical role libraries play in so many lives. I am committed to these goals and will continue to improve the quality of life for all our residents. In fact, I was proud to pass an amendment in 2022 in support of the Vickery Park library becoming the only library open seven-days-a-week in Dallas!
I have also scoured past bond programs to find funds to give neighbors a budget and allow them to self-determine park improvements. Whether new equipment for kids to play on, sun sails to keep that play going strong during hot Texas summers, or adding park benches and trails—moving stagnant already-approved-funds from dormancy to action is something I’m proud of.
Action on Homelessness
Dallas has played a lead role in housing almost 1500 homeless people since October 2021—a meaningful accomplishment. But people are still on street corners, at underpasses and sometimes around businesses or in parks—this is not OK. Being unhoused is not good for the people themselves, and it’s not good for the safety and security of a city.
The City has purchased, with 2017 bond dollars dedicated to homelessness, properties for housing. But they rehabbed to take occupancy. The city also bought a vacant hospital in 2023- it has 111 rooms and I’ve asked that it be explored for medical use - which can be done “by right.” Its time for less talk and more action on temporary housing options.
In 2022, I sponsored a budget amendment for $1 million to bolster our nonprofit agencies that work with the homeless—my colleagues supported it—it passed. This will fund grants to help them build capacity and serve more people—whether outreach for unhoused or the wraparound services needed once a person/family is housed.
Besides the humanity of this issue, the resources required to address it are staggering. Public health is the purview of Dallas County, not the City of Dallas—so working with our County Commissioners to pick up that mantle is critical.
As a volunteer counselor at Interfaith Housing Coalition, I worked with single parents transitioning to stable employment and housing from homelessness. Through my appointment by Council member Gates to the Community Development Commission, I have seen how the HUD grants the city receives can assist in securing housing for low to moderate-income citizens. This close-in experience has given me a valuable foundation to stand on when working on this issue.
Better Prepare for Emergencies
Our community has shown great fortitude and came together during the COVID pandemic and the bitter cold snowstorm. Neighbors drove elderly neighbors to get their shots or went to the store to get critical supplies of food and water. I have worked with the Dallas Office of Emergency Management to link neighborhoods to their CERT and Medical Reserve residents to help take immediate action in a crisis.
Tom Dunning
Michelle Early
Beth Easton
Alan & Randy Engstrom
Rosemary Enrico
Wendy Faems
Robert Feldman
Hon. Roger Fisher
Hon. Edwin Flores
Marissa Fontanez
Ann Forsyth-Smith
Martha & Don Francis
Helen & Jerome Frank
Sara Fredericks
Diane Fullingim
Dr. Catalina Garcia
Hon. Jennifer Staubach Gates
Wendy & Paul Genender
Basheer Ghorayeb
Julia Gibson
Donna & Robert Giovannetti
Marnie Glaser
Don Glendenning
Mimi & Pax Glenn
Neil Goldberg
Paul E. Gonzales
Marsha Gordon
Frank Grassler
Brennan Greef
Leonard Greer
Aimee Griffiths
Kevin Griffeths
Joe & Flavio Pina Groves
Lucy & Richard Gussoni
Nick Gussoni
Carol Anerson Guthrie
David Hairston
Marilyn Halla
Patrick Hamner
Anne Harding
Paula Hart
Diane Hartley
John Hazelton
Hon. Keith Head
Cindy Hellstern
Janice Henderson
C.P. Henry & Janice Tomlin
Rue Henry
Jonathan Herman
Sara Hignite
John Hill
Todd Hill
Sally Pretorious Hodge
Marguerite Hoffman
Larry Honea
David Hopson
Sandy Horwitz
Holly Hoppe
David Hopson
Elizabeth C. & Todd C. Howard
Charlene Howell
Kristen & Bill Howell
Amy Hunt
Ray Hunt
Gregory Hurt
Lawrence F. Hysinger
Mary Jalonick
Susan Jenevein
Josie Johnson
Anne & Hon. Nathan Johnson
Willis Johnson
Jennifer Jorns
Eric Johnson & Dr. Mark Parker
Nancy Jungman
Jami & Eric Kalmbach
Robert Kelsoe
Nancy Kenty
Steve Kemble & Chad Collom
Katrina Keyes
Jenny King
John Kiser
Bobby Abtahi
Lydia & Bill Addy
Robert Agnich
Anne & John Andersen
Daniel Annese
Art Anthony
Buddy Apple
Michael Arnold
Patricia Arvanitis
Joseph Atkins
Steve Atkinson
Susan McSherry Attwell
Dana Ayres
Venugopal Bachu
Brynn Bagot
Kam Bakewell
Jennifer & Carlos Balido
Marla Bane
Julie Barton
Lisa Batson
Peter Beck
Mary Katherine Benavides
Jeri Benson
Kathryne Bishop
Sidney Blache
Jan Hart Black
Jillian Blake
Hon. Paula & Barry Blackmon
Heather & Kevin Bonfield
Cecilia & Garrett Boone
Heather Bradford
Calvert Collins Bratton & Vince Bratton
Sharon Bromberg
Rebecca Bruder
Kay Lynn Brumbaugh
Stuart Bumpas
Sabrina Bunks
Leland Burk
Janie Bush
Robyn Carafiol
Scott Carnes
Whitney Carroll
Reagan Cartwright
Hon. Joe Carreon
Margaret & Tom Chambers
Lauren & Andrew Chooljian
Carol Clark
Josh Cogan
Sheila Collins
Wendy Cone
Rachel Connell
Annette Corman
Susan & Steve Cotton
Carol & Jack Corgan
Anne Cottingham
Walter Cowger
Dorie Cranshaw
Anne Crews
Harlan Crow
Kathy Crow
Trammel S. Crow
Brad Crumpecker
Sissy Cullum
Ana Katherine Curry
Hon. Dr. Theresa Daniel
Lynn & Peter Dauterman
Courtenay Davis
Macey Davis
Valerie De La Rosa
Margaret Darden
Susana DeCancio
Mary Anna & David Dennard
Kara DeVita
Darwin Deason
Doug Deason
Claire Dewar
Phil Doepfner
Ellen Dooley
Laurie Drazner
Brian Driesse
John Dunlap
Ruth Klein
Betsy Kleinman
Hon. Philip Kingston
Amy & Howard Klion
Jennifer & Mike Knapek
Anne Kniffen
Elizabeth Knowles
Loren Koziol
Ann & Phil Kozlow
Camille Kuzmick
Kerri Lacher
Barbara Larkin
Mary Lavender
Natalie Levy
Elizabeth Lonngren
Allison Lorimer
Sarah Losinger
Amy Love
Steve Love
Kay Lunceford
Kate Mackley
Peter Malouf
Haley & Ramsey March
Hon. Ann Margolin
Steven Marlin
Leonor Marquez
Denise Marshall
Hon. Dustin Marshall
Karan Marshall
Heidi Mast
Donald Maynard
Michael McCabe
Marilyn McClung
Katherine McGovern
Michelle Meadows
Yesenia Armijo Mendez
Louisa Meyer
Hon. Dan Micciche
Kim Miers
Frank Mihalopoulos
Shirley Miller
Rebekah & Marshall Mills
Audrey Monlezun
Regina Montoya
Ryan Moore
Kay Moreland
Jennifer Morris
James Moyers
Maggie & Robert Murchison
Suellen & Kenneth Murchison
Cheryl Camin Murray
Paige Nash
JoDee Neil
Charlotte New
Jan Norris
Gina Norris
Deborah & Jim Nugent
Constable Michael Orozco
Bruce Orr
Jennifer Owen
Jim Panipinto
Chanda Parbhoo
Sharon Pedevilla
Trish Percy
Rick Perdue
Mark Perkins
Margot Perot
Sally & Tom Perryman
Paula Peters & John Armstrong
Hon. Jeanne Phillips
Kristi & Chris Poteet
Sally Pretorius
David Preziosi
Sandi Pruitt
Chad Prochaska
Toby Purdy
Christina Ramirez
Hon. Mitchell Rasansky
Lori Reisenbichler
Alison Bennett Richardson
Michael V. Richardson
Hon. Phil Ritter
Beckie Rutledge
Renee Robison
Rudy Rodriguez
Deedie Rose
Debra & Barry Rothschild
Charlie Sartain
Julie Saqueton
Joyce Schiska
Cristie & Rodney Schlosser
John Schmeltz
Richard Schumacher
Debbie Scripps
Angela Seaman
May Sebel
Rachel Segal
Judy Shure
Dr. Linda Abraham Silver
Elaine Simon
Julia Simon
Roberta Simon
Bo Slaughter
Neal Sleeper
Jackie Smith
Jamie & Suzanne Smith
Melanie Smith
Ray Smith
Sharon and Wayne Smith
Hon. Miguel Solis
Dawn Spalding
Susan Spalter
Brandon Steinmann
Leonora Stephens
Tammany Stern
Kathy Stewart
Hon. Thomas Stewart
Barbara & Sheldon Stein
Gerald Stool
Whitney Strauss
Mill Strong
Deborah Sutton
Olive Talley
Jill Tananbaum
Will Terry
Jennifer Thompson
Jennifer & John Torres
Hon. John Turner
Leslie Truelove
Liza Urso
Roxana Vandehey
Mary Ellen Viancourt
Jacqueline Vickery
Garrett Vogel
Mary Vogelson
Terry Walker
Chris Wallace
Joan & Hon. Alan Walne
Richard Waters
Crayton Webb
Gary Webb
John Weber
Sarah Weinberg
Herb Weitzman
Jalynn Wells
Elaine Wiant
Elizabeth C. Williams
Todd Williams
Rebecca Wilson
Elizabeth Winslow
Peggy Wise
Zachary Womack
Donald Word
Raguet Worsham
Bonnie Wulff
Bart Wulff
Suzanne Yaeger
Vickie Yakunin
Ann Zimmerman
Lizzy Zinn
While Dallas has lost these incredible public servants of Pete Schenkel, Toni Brinker, Skip Trimple, and Eulaine Hall, the support in my past campaigns is not forgotten.

Service to the City before City Council…
A strong foundation of experience on issues affecting our city
The experience gained by serving on Community Boards and Commissions, as well as an extensive volunteer resume across multiple categories created a bedrock for understanding our City that I draw upon every day.
On the Vickery Meadow TIF Board, the impact of smart development transformed a blighted area by supporting revenue-generating business, employment, and infrastructure. On the Community Development Commission, I asked to be appointed to the Financial Oversight and Public Improvement subcommittees in order to experience a deep understanding of how our HUD/CDBG grants are put to use and accounted for.
2019-2021 Community Development Commission
2010- 2018 Vickery Meadow Tax Increment Financing
TIF Board of Directors
Serving on Two Bond Committees—Great prep for the 2024 Bond!
Serving on the City of Dallas (2017) and the Dallas ISD (2020) Bond Committees allowed me to deep dive into the vast needs before us, how to address the most urgent concerns yet balance projects needed to meet our future demands, and how critical categories intersect with one another. For example, how to prioritize critical facilities issues like overdue updates for police and fire stations, factored in with stormwater problems as well as the quality of life needs like parks and trails. In fact, I was a co-sponsor of an amendment that dedicated $1.75 million to accelerate the most serious repairs to fire stations and buy a new engine—I knew this was important because of what I learned by my service in 2017.
2017 City of Dallas Bond Committee for Critical Facilities
DISD 2020 Bond Committee, Sub Committee
for Safety & Security
National League of Cities Finance Administration and Intergovernmental Relations Committee (2023-25)
Public Safety Committee
Housing and Homelessness Committee
Workforce, Education, and Equity Committee
Quality of Life Committee
Domestic Violence and Human Trafficking Advisory Council (Chair)
North Texas Council of Governments
Emergency Preparedness Council
President & CEO of Turtle Creek Conservancy
As President & CEO of the Turtle Creek Conservancy for almost nine years, I helped conserve historic Dallas green space for residents of today and tomorrow. At this small business, I met a payroll, managed budgets and accountability to a Board of Directors of business and community leaders, and through COVID, reduced expenses to run as efficiently as possible and still deliver on the organization’s mission. I worked with City of Dallas departments across Code, Streets, Homeless Solutions, Park & Rec, Arts & Culture, and more—giving me a level of knowledge on how they worked to hit the ground running as your Council representative on Day One.
Serving Dallas and her people professionally and personally, in so many ways, inspired me to take my service to the next level as your representative for Dallas City Council District 13. The depth and breadth of demonstrated commitment to moving our city forward has resulted in a track record of fighting for lowering property taxes, fully-funding law enforcement, and speaking up for YOU at City Hall. I need your vote to keep this positive momentum going. Vote for Gay Donnell Willis on May 6th!
Professional Associations
North Dallas Chamber of Commerce – Public Safety Committee Chair
Certified Fund Raising Executive© (CFRE)
Leadership ISD Inaugural class ‘10
Leadership Dallas ‘14
Leadership Texas Women ‘17
Dallas Breakfast Group
Dallas Friday Group
Community Service Leadership
Schreiber Extended Neighborhood Patrol (SENP) Board of Directors Vice President 2019-Present
Junior League of Dallas
Community Vice President
Underwriting Chair
Research & Planning Chair
Sustaining Advisor to Fund Development
T.Boone Pickens Leadership Institute (JLD) Inaugural Class
TexProtects 2018 Gala Dinner Co-Chair (with Hon. Margaret Keliher)
Walk to End Alzheimer’s 2013 & 2014 Co-Chair (with Tara Arancibia)
The Family Place Partners Card 20th Anniversary Co Chair (with Dawn Spalding & Kathryn Henry)
Friends of the Dallas Public Library Gala 2013 Co-Chair (with Karen Blumenthal and Julia Simon)
Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation, Charter Cohort
Vickery Community Action Team Member
Education & Membership Associations
Dallas Holocaust Museum & Human Rights Museum, Charter Member
Texas Tech Alumni Association
Alpha Delta Pi – DFW Alumnae
Semones Family YMCA
Get To Know Gay
I am a Fifth Generation Texan, born in Dallas, raised in Fort Worth, and am a proud Texas Tech graduate. I've spent the last 30 years living and working in Dallas. I have lived 24 of those years in District 13. My husband Michael Willis is President of Fabulous Floors. We have four children and two precious Dallas Animal Services rescue cats, Sooga and a foster-fail Ponder. I was raised to give back to the community, and we are instilling that same value in our children by volunteering and engaging in feisty discussions on civics.